
Monday, August 13, 2007

Poor Ways to Begin a Conversation

Setting: [A noisy bar with glasses banging in the background and conversation made difficult by overbearing Top 40 hits from the speakers.] Several young men including Brian, Chris, Matt and an anonymous emo kid are seated together in the back corner of Old Glory in Georgetown enjoying Bud diesels. Nearby are a few young ladies who, with little inspection, appear to have had several too many wine coolers before making their way out and talk amongst themselves at a volume little lower than a scream.

Scene 1:

Chris: Hey Lock, I think I should ask these girls how they felt about Beckham being in town.

Random girl #1: You think you should ask us what?

Chris: Well, given that David Beckham was in town just a few days ago, do you feel like there is still a little sexy left in the air around DC?

(Without pause)
Random Girl #1: No.

(Random Girl #1 immediately stands and says goodbye to friends and hurries out of Old Glory.)

Brian: Wow. I think we should go now.

The End

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